Bathroom vanity faucets

When you selected the vanity for your bathroom one more important question is to choose the appropriate faucet that will fit the vanity according to functionality and design. Making your choice  foremost pay attention to tub spout level. Low tub spout is about 12-15 sm. High one is more than 25 sm. The choice must depend on the peculiarities of vanity using.

If you are planning only wash hands or brush teeth low bathroom vanity faucets will be enough but in case of washing head or even animals in bathroom vanity faucet level must be about 30 centimetres. If you have problems with the choice consult a specialist who will help you to select an ideal model.

Length of a faucet is also an important criteria. Long ones are regarded as better variants but if your vanity has small size, short faucet must be selected for it.

As to the design modern market proposes multiplicity of different variants that vary on color and shape. The most popular ones are metal faucets. They look quite elegant and are not so expensive.